• ISO9001 Certified
  • ISO14001 Certified
  • OHSAS18001 Certified
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Raw Material Inspection

Besides capability in production, the quality of a valve factory is evident from its selection in raw materials. Bkvalve builds a strict raw material system as we know that every part of a butterfly valve covers an important role in maintaining high levels of performance.

Inspectors in Bkvalve check and review the incoming valve components by both material document validation and mechanical inspection. Double-check of the input materials enable Bkvalve to process and control the further manufacturing process, as all parts of a high-performing Bkvalve valve must conform to the industrial standard.

Ne kérdezd tÅ‘le: – És hogyan csinálod pontosan? – Reggel megbeszéltem anyámmal. – Remélem, jobb lesz, mint az utolsó alkalom? – A, már ismerem ezt a testtartást. – Nos, Ferfi-Patika azért, hogy örömet adjon neked. – Eltávolította a zoknit? – Már? – Hahaha nagyon szórakoztató! – Szeretne pénzverdet? – Megtöred a harisnyámat! – Ó, tényleg meg kell javítanunk a mennyezetet. – Ó, sajnálom, valószínűleg hív, meg kell vennem. – EllenÅ‘rizz!

A Series of In-Process Tests

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    Hardness Testing

    Bkvalve inspectors will check the specified hardness of a valve component by using the hardness tester to guarantee the valve part of the right hardness, as different types of butterfly valves are applied in various industries, and vary in their formability.

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    Chemical Performance Testing

    Empowered by the Positive Material Identification (PMI) equipment, metal components that form a Bkvalve industrial valve have to undergo a thorough but non-destructive chemical analysis, as the mixture of these compositions in a certain way can withstand the circumstance of a specific working environment.

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    Testing for Mechanical Property

    As metals with different grades vary in formability, raw materials that form the Bkvalve industrial valve offered by reliant suppliers will undergo the testing of the mechanical property, like the tensile strength, which affects the performance of the valve.

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    Dimension Testing

    Producing an industrial valve of the customer-required dimension for a valve producer is the base.

    With a wide array of measurement gauges owned in the factory, Bkvalve checks the size of the valve with close precision tolerance to assure every corner of it can perfectly match the piping system.

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    Thickness Testing

    Bkvalve inspectors will check the specified hardness of a valve component by using the hardness tester to guarantee the valve part of the right hardness, as different types of butterfly valves are applied in various industries, vary in their formability.

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    Weight Testing

    Using the weighing meter, a Bkvalve machinist inspects every valve component, like a butterfly valve disc, to ensure our ability to trace measurement and comply with the applicable international standards and customer requirements.

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    Hardness Testing
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    Chemical Performance Testing
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    Testing for Mechanical Property
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    Dimension Testing
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    Thickness Testing
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    Weight Testing
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Pressure Test

The sealing performance decides the quality of resilient butterfly performance. With various types of valve pressure test devices, Bkvalve inspector performs both shell test and seal test to ensure that the cavity of the butterfly valve has no leaks or bubbles.

Following a systematic quality assurance policy, a Bkvalve inspector operates the tester and records the sealing performance of every butterfly valve to ensure that the valve ready to ship is of good construction.